I am sending love, strength and positivity to you and your families during this time. Focusing on faith, joy and compassion will carry us through this challenge. If you have been dreaming on a design, I am happy to talk over Keep hope, creativity & joy guiding us forward
Where does gold come from? In Relave, Peru it comesfrom the rock – turned to dust and countless hours of laborious workby dedicated Peruvian miners. I’ve wanted to visit a gold mine for a long time. VK Designs has been Fairmined Visit- Gold in Peru
The new FAIRMINED Gold initiative that VK Designs is a part of is getting some great press. We are working with ETHICAL METALSMITHS. Take a look at this WONDERFUL ARTICLE about our latest efforts sourcing directly from AURELSA in Relave, Peru. “Ethical Gold” aims to curb minings toll in South America